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Monday, June 4, 2012

mothers day part 2

So I finally had a chance to go through some of the pictures on my own camera from the past month.  There were several mothers day arrangements that I had to do and deliver prior to Jenn from The Love Project coming over and capturing in her beautiful way.  (to see all of those check out the last post here). I had completely forgotten that I did manage to take a few pictures myself and thought I'd share these too.  The dahlias, the poppies, the lisianthus, the ranunculus, orchids... sometimes it's just about the gorgeous flowers!  when I looked back through these, it made me happy all over again to be able to work with something that is so lovely!!

1 comment:

  1. Jenny,
    We are doing a huge fundraiser for the Bartimeaus Project on July 27th. So wish I had you close by! I may have to call for your consulting genius! =)
